Who We Are
What We Believe
There is hope, and His name is Jesus Christ!
Life circumstances can take you on a journey, making some paths seem too difficult to travel. At times, these challenges can be a bit overwhelming. Kingdom Embassy is here to walk with you along that journey! While we can’t promise to give you all the answers, we want to introduce you to the One who can. No matter who you are or where you find yourself on your spiritual journey, we welcome you and your questions.
Our Story
Kingdom Embassy’s story began in the Spring of 2015. Arthur and Ardena Duren, along with ten individuals who were passionate about learning about God and building his Kingdom, met weekly for bible study at Moon Elementary School in an art classroom. The group outgrew the art room, and moved to the library. The school year ended and the group moved from Moon Elementary School to the backyard of the Duren’s home at 1624 Jefferson. They reconvened bible study at Moon Elementary in September of 2015. The class was starting to get even larger, and at that point they decided they would look for another venue. The place God led them to was Heaven’s Gate Church.
Pastors James and Tina Harmon offered us the opportunity to meet at their church (Heaven’s Gate church). Arthur and Ardena served on Heaven’s Gate’s community development board. Later, they attended a Start Church conference where the focus was on building strong churches and community development organizations. When they walked into the conference, they were shocked to learn that one of the main goals of the conference was church planting. While attending the conference, they looked at each other with smiles on their faces. They asked each other, “Was this a sign from God that it was time for them to plant a church?” Arthur and Ardena were excited about what they had learned at the conference, and took the idea back to their bible study group, where the idea was well received, encouraging them to plant a church.
They started off with a bang. On January 3, 2016, the first Sunday worship service was held at Victory Inn Hotel in Muskegon in their conference room, and it was standing room only. There were 75 people in attendance. From January until May, the gathering averaged about 62 people.
In June of 2016, God blessed Kingdom Embassy with a new location at Forest Park Covenant Church’s Youth Center. While at Forest Park from June to December 2016, the group averaged over 125 attendees. Forest Park was a blessing to Kingdom Embassy.
On December 25, 2016 Kingdom Embassy was blessed to move into their new church home located at 3025 Glenside Blvd (The old Westwood Reformed Church of America). There were 169 people in attendance.
Real People. Real God. Real Life.
We are so excited to see so many people give their life to The Lord and rededicate their lives. The vision is to create a church that embraces real people; people with hurts, habits, and hang-ups, and show them the love of God, as well as help them discover their purpose for God’s Kingdom. Kingdom Embassy grows on a weekly basis. Our goal and prayer is to be a church who helps people transform their lives. We also want to plant new churches within the next 5-10 years.
Our Vision
We want everyone to come to KNOW Jesus as their Lord and begin a personal relationship with Him.
We want to see those who know Jesus GROW in Christ-like character, both in their relationship with Him and with others.
We want those who know Jesus to GO and serve others - within their homes, our community, and our world.
Core Values
Hospitality - Receiving and treating guests and strangers with warmth and generosity.
Integrity - Always being honest and doing things righteously.
Generosity - Giving our resources to better the Kingdom.
Restoration - Helping those that are broken to be built back up.
Serving - Using our gifts to serve others in our community.
-Matthew 28:19-20
Our Team
An effective communicator of God’s Word, Pastor Duren is known for his practical and unique teaching style which helps people apply the Word of God to their everyday lives.
He and his wife, Ardena, have been married since 1986. They are the proud parents of two adult children, Arthur Duren II and Anissa Duren.
Pastor Arthur Duren is a retired educator. He served as a middle school and high school football and basketball coach, teacher, middle and high school assistant principal, middle school principal and Director of athletics. All for Muskegon Public School.
Prior to becoming lead pastor of Kingdom Embassy Covenant Church in 2016, he served as youth pastor of Holy Trinity Church of God in Christ in Muskegon, for twenty-seven years.
Pastor Duren is a native of Muskegon, MI. He studied at Alcorn State University and obtained a BA in Industrial Arts as well as Grand Valley State University obtaining a MA in Educational Leadership. He spends a lot of time reading and learning about the Bible and how it impacts the lives of people.
KECC Administrative Team
Ardena Duren
Children's Ministry Director
First Lady
Trena Moore
Connections Coordinator
Comelia Mathews
Chief Financial Officer
Oneka Curry
Praise & Worship Leader
Derrick Quinn
Chairman of Men's Ministry
DeAngelo Jones
Director of Media Ministry
The Kingdom Embassy Covenant Church Lead Team
D' Erika Nichols-Lewis
Lead Team Member
DeAngelo Jones
Lead Team Member
Derrick Quinn
Lead Team Member
Trena Moore
Lead Team Member
Comelia Mathews
Lead Team Member - Chair
First Lady Ardena Duren
Lead Team Member
Pastor Arthur Duren
Lead Team Member
The KECC Lead Team
Our Lead Team is the governing body of KECC. They are the board of directors that oversee all vital and beneficial needs and concerns of the Kingdom Embassy Family of Believers. They are also responsible for the financial management of Kingdom Embassy.